Why is it important to track your recruitment campaigns? It’s enough to know that they are bringing in candidates. No, it’s not.

It may seem like a list, but there is a reason. Recruitment marketing campaigns are designed to attract qualified candidates. What better way to verify that they are working than to track applicants?

We’ll show you how to use each metric to its intended purpose. Suppose you can find other ways to use the same numbers to track aspects of your marketing activities.

·  Source of Hire

When evaluating existing campaigns or preparing new ones, ROI and overhead costs must consider. It is important to identify the channels that send the highest quality applicants through your funnel.

Analysing the source of hire will help you identify which channels are most effective for your campaign. You can then shut down those not performing well and channel the funds to the top performers.

It is true for both digital and analogue channels. You can use all channels in your marketing campaigns, including job boards, social media platforms, and internal career listings.

The digital platforms have metrics dashboards, and if not, your automation software should. But how can you track the effectiveness of employee referrals?

Tips: There are two options for applicant tracking system. Most likely, your ATS has a feature that allows you to track the origin of an applicant. If you have this feature, make sure it’s activated.

If not, you can give new hires a survey that asks them 5-6 questions about where they l`earned about the opening.

· Refer an Employee Currently Employed

We already talked about it. We think it’s a valuable source of quality candidates and information about the status of current employees. So we felt it deserved some more details.

It’s a great way to gauge how your employer brand is doing with current employees by tracking applicants who made it into your talent pool through a friend. Would you recommend your friend work at your company if it was miserable?

Potential candidates will seek you out to apply for a job. It is the ultimate goal of any recruitment marketing campaign. Your employer brand is being put out for all to see and then waiting for action.

You may not be paying attention to this, but you should. Your current employees are brand ambassadors and will be doing the same for your employer.

Tips: As we have already mentioned, new hires should be given a survey to get accurate information. Although it’s manual, you will get the most accurate and honest information if this is something you ask.

· Applicant Experience

Happy, engaged employees are not possible without happy, engaged applicants. You must track them through the entire funnel, paying attention to every touchpoint, including email correspondence, chat sessions and phone calls. You will develop applicants who will praise you and your service and become brand ambassadors.

It is important to track applicants at this stage to ensure that they enter your workforce on a positive note. It is important to know how they came across you. However, it is equally important to learn about their experience during the hiring process.

It is crucial to determine the effectiveness of your recruitment marketing campaigns. Great campaigns are useless if a person is disenfranchised once they have entered the funnel by inept recruiters, poor service, or a lack of communication.

Tips: Here are some more suggestions for surveys. Surveys are the best way to measure something so complex as user experience. However, your CRM or ATS statistics can use to track contact touchpoints and verify that they are happy throughout the entire process.

Combining automated process tracking and manual surveys will give you a better picture of the whole funnel experience.

· Social Engagement

This broad category covers all interactions between you and your followers on your blog or social media. Once you separate the important pieces from the redundant, it is a valuable data source.

You should monitor the comments section on your blog. It is where you can have meaningful conversations about important topics for you and your readers. You should also monitor your social media accounts for any mentions of “@”, so you can respond directly to that user. It includes both the positive mentions and the less-than-good.

It is important to keep track of any mentions on social networks as people will pay attention to your responses to criticisms, even if they are not within your target audience. These situations can diffuse by responding quickly, clearly, invoice and in-channel.

Tips: Metric dashboards can be found on almost all platforms. It includes the CMS (content management software) for your company blog. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites have powerful analytics dashboards to track business accounts.

You might also find a campaign dashboard in your recruitment marketing automation software. It allows you to track all channels used in a given campaign.

· Quality of the Hire

How can you measure something objective as the quality and performance of a new hire’s work? It is often cited as the #1 most important metric for recruiting. There must be something concrete you can look at.

  • Hiring manager satisfaction
  • Rate of retention
  • Performance reviews/ramp-up time
  • Pre-hire metrics include:
  • Comparable offers
  • Time-to-acceptance
  • Awards-winning or other recognition in the field
  • Active vs passive (passive is more quality because they didn’t want to move at that time).

Tips: Surveys (are there any patterns? To hiring managers to ensure initial satisfaction and follow-ups regarding performance information. You don’t need to be lengthy or complicated. In fact, the shorter the message, the more managers will agree with it.

You can also use surveys to find out the more abstract information, such as whether the candidate has had any other offers or awards in their field (though this should be included on their resume) and if they were actively looking for work when they applied.

These metrics and tips are only as valuable as the value they bring to your life. The higher the quality of your data, the more you put into tracking your recruitment campaigns. The more quality your data, the greater your impact on the hiring process.