How-to videos aren’t just for consumer products. Businesses can benefit from how-to videos. They give you a chance to show a face behind your business, show your expertise, and provide a customer service touchpoint for your audience. This blog will give you ideas to help create your own how-to video or will help you develop a strategy for creating them.

Why Do You Need How-to Videos?

Videos are a great way to teach people how to do various things. They’re especially helpful when you want to teach something hard to explain in text. You could write a how-to article, but people tend to learn better when watching a video narrated by someone who’s doing the thing you want to learn. 

A good video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming to make. You can create a how-to video using any video editor. Just follow these simple steps and have a video that you can use to teach people how to do something in no time!

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience and catering to their demands is one of the greatest methods to acquire a good conversion rate on your how-to video. What are your audience’s pain points? What are the potential solutions for their problems? Where do they turn to for guidance? Focus on answering these questions, and then you can create a video to match their needs. 

One of the best ways to do so is by answering “why” questions. Why are they having issues with this topic? Why is this important to them? Why is solving this problem important? If you can answer these “why” questions, you will be able to create a high-quality video that will be helpful for those watching it!

Create a Storyboard

Storyboarding is necessary because it will help you plan out your how-to video, especially if you want it to go smoothly. Before you start your how-to video, you need to make a storyboard. For those who don’t know, a storyboard is a rough layout of your how-to video that shows how your how-to goes step-by-step. 

You don’t want to start recording, only to realize you forgot to cover an important detail. Storyboarding helps you prevent that by making sure you’ve thought of everything. Creating a storyboard will feel more confident when you start recording. 

Do a Few Test Shoots

It’s important to be prepared when recording a video. It will show if you don’t have the right equipment and are flustered when shooting the video. Or worse, you will do a poor job and have to do the video over and over again, wasting both time and resources. Do a few test shots before starting this video. 

You want your audience to get excited about your product! That way, you will know exactly what equipment to use and how to set it up for the best quality video. If you shoot the video well, you will be able to present your product in the best light, and you will be able to send the video to your audience as a fun, informative, easy-to-consume viewing experience.

Make Numerous Edits

Congrats on shooting your first how-to video. However, this is not the end of the process. You will need a video editing professional to help you with the video. Remember, it might take numerous edits and reworks before you have the final flawless output. However, if you do not have the budget to hire a new person, you will have to spend some time exploring the various video editing tools and software

Do not worry. There are thousands of video editing software that you could use to create professional-looking videos.

Share It With a Test Audience

You may have written a great how-to article, and you are sure that people will enjoy it! That’s great! Make sure you have a test audience! Ask your friends or family to take a look at it before you share it with the public. You can ask them to give you honest and real feedback, but you should be the one to finish all the work, and you should be the only one to make the final decision to share it.

Test Audience
Share It on the Right Platform

While it is a great feeling to have a video that persuades customers with your sales pitch and solidifies your value, you will want to make sure that you upload the video to the platform that is the best fit. Video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo tend to work well for tutorials because of the fact that it is easy to search for videos and many people are familiar with the platform. However, some prefer other platforms, such as LinkedIn or Instagram, so it depends on what your audience is most familiar with.

Use Analytics to Understand Audience Engagement

Video viewership is becoming more and more popular as time goes on because it is easily accessible and provides a more immersive experience for users. However, companies need to make sure that their videos are given a lot of attention by their audience because this will increase the likelihood of buying or using their product. Use analytics to figure out what catches the audience’s attention and what isn’t. This will allow you to make sure that you’re improving your video and making it more effective within the marketing process.


There’s no better way to explain how to do something than show people how to do it. It is no wonder that people love the How-to videos worldwide. So, what are you waiting for? Go on and share your knowledge with the world by creating the perfect how-to videos using the tips we just shared.